Software Security Training to achieve compliance

Why Secure Code Warrior

Enable your developers with secure coding skills

Reduce risk of a breach
Upskill the software security skills of your development teams to reduce the risk of being victim of a breach.
Minimize vulnerabilities
Stop recurring software vulnerabilities while shipping features quicker.
Secure your data
Securing your code base is vital to protecting sensitive organizational and customer data and protecting your brand reputation.

Retain knowledge through contextual training

Our secure code learning platform offers developers dynamic compliance training content, methods, and capabilities that are easily shaped to business needs, individual skill levels, and evolving security threats, you provide them with the best possible foundation for secure coding. Our contextual learning platform provides a unique combination of self-selected, immersive training that makes learning far more engaging and meaningful.
Learning Platform

Code securely while reducing risk

Reduce costs

Simply put, identifying and fixing any vulnerabilities at earlier stages of development will significantly cut costs that go hand in hand with rework. Our platform was created to help reduce these costs associated with re-work while, first and foremost, reducing risks by eliminating software vulnerabilities during code creation. Learn more about how our platform helps you achieve ROI.

Simply put, identifying and fixing any vulnerabilities at earlier stages of development will significantly cut costs that go hand in hand with re-work. Our platform was created to help reduce these costs associated with re-work while, first and foremost, reducing risks by eliminating software vulnerabilities during code creation. Learn more about how our platform helps you achieve ROI.

Increase release velocity

Empower development teams to produce secure code from the beginning and ship releases faster. Address potential security risks earlier in the development process, thereby avoiding the delays typically associated with rework.

Implement best practices

Ensure your unique code security requirements are known and practiced at all times and at every stage of the SDLC. Secure Code Warrior offers customized options tailored to your business needs, continual learning and improvements, and SDLC integration, ensuring security is a priority at every step.
SCW Trust Agent

SCW Trust Agent
Secure code warrior trust agent

Support software security compliance through relevant training

Hands-on learning enables your developers to acquire critical secure coding skills and achieve compliance.

Courses help fine-tune your developers’ coding skills and help fulfill security training requirements to achieve compliance with regulations such as ISO270001, NIST, and more. Build courses according to your specific organizational needs or choose from a pre-designed template.
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Ensure developers have retained the security skills they learned in Courses by using developer benchmark data to verify regulatory compliance.
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Fundamentals redefined.

"Two thirds (64%) of Technology organisations surveyed said they have met annual compliance objectives, as a result of implementing Secure Code Warrior®."

TechFact-Compliance-Technology, Technology Industry TechStat
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