
Whether you’re a novice developer or an application security expert, our learning videos help you navigate security threats.

Assessment Do’s & Don’ts

Assessment Dos

  • Use real-world problems
  • Include a variety of challenges
  • Test for problem-solving abilities
  • Evaluate soft skills
  • Ensure fairness and objectivity

Assessment Don’ts

  • Use unrealistic time constraints
  • Solely rely on Whiteboard Coding
  • Forget about code readability
  • Neglect security

Stay up to date with web application security

Learn security fundamentals from a vast library of engaging videos that teach about common vulnerabilities and how to mitigate them.

Learn fundamentals
Build a strong foundation of high-level security concepts.
Kick start your skills
Learn from our experts– covering critical real-world scenarios and topics.
Explore library
Master security fundamentals with our robust content library of 150+ videos.
Videos in action

You can’t write secure code without first understanding the fundamentals

Learn the basics, then scale up your skills

Start upskilling in secure coding with our free video learning resources covering web application security concepts and common software vulnerabilities.

Browse a wide range of vulnerabilities

Learn from a broad range of concepts such as least privileges, security by default, and threat modeling- covering web and mobile specific topics and common vulnerabilities.

Learn from the experts

Learn the ins and outs of vulnerabilities and the best practices to prevent them.

Secure coding in action

Secure Code Warrior builds a culture of security-driven developers by giving them the skills to code securely. Our Learning Platform delivers relevant hands-on missions and contextual tools for developers.

Fundamentals redefined



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