Trust Agent.

Visibility and control to scale developer-driven security.

What is SCW Trust Agent?

Developer-driven security.

Effective secure by design relies on developers implementing its principles, requiring the highest level of security competencies. To power this, SCW Trust Agent delivers visibility across your entire code repository analyzing every commit against developer secure code skills. SCW Trust Agent builds upon SCW Trust Score, analyzing how effectively your security program is applied in every commit.

Mitigate risk.
Aligning developer security knowledge and skills with the code they commit.
Increase productivity.
Embedding SCW Trust Agent into your development process.
Achieve compliance.
With the visibility and control to set and monitor policy adherence.

SCW Trust Agent in action.

SCW Trust Agent gives you the tools you need to deliver secure code faster, ensuring developers have the knowledge and skills to implement security best practices in the specific programming language of their code commits.
SCW Trust Agent In Action

Enabling application security teams and developers with the tools they need.

Actionable Insights

Detailed views into specific code commits, who made them, and their language security knowledge and skills. Plus team and repo level dashboards that offer insight into how well development teams’ security competencies and code commits are aligned across the entirety of the organization.

Policy Configuration

Policies and their overall restrictiveness can be set based on the project’s sensitivity and requirements, ensuring language specific security competencies without slowing down software delivery.

Extensive Code Repository Support

Deploy the SCW Trust Agent with any Git based source code management tool including Github, GitLab, Bitbucket, Azure Repos and more.

Agile Secure Code Learning

Give developers the skills to code securely, delivering relevant hands-on missions, and contextual tools in their relevant programming language.

Achieve ROI

Cut vulnerabilities by 53%

Secure coding at speed accelerates productivity by reducing rework and your backlog of technical debt.
  • Reduce risk of breach
  • Minimize vulnerabilities
  • Secure your data
Achieve ROI
Secure code warrior trust score
Key Benefits

Secure by design with SCW Trust Agent.

Strengthen your security posture

Use insights into the real world code that is being committed to identify risky code repositories and assign the appropriate level of policy requirements.

Optimize the development lifecycle

Reduce code based vulnerabilities, need for remediation, and lengthy review cycles by ensuring developers are sufficiently knowledgeable and skilled in a commit’s programming language.

Scale developer-driven security

With the visibility and control to ensure language specific secure code competencies with every commit across all of your projects and code repositories.

Resource hub

Resources to get you started

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