
Warrior Insider: Contrast Security - Give developers impactful cybersecurity training with contextual learning

Klenda Martinez-Gasbarro
Published Jul 26, 2021

We sat down with Larry Maccherone at Contrast Security, the leader in modernized application security, embedding code analysis and attack prevention directly into software. We discussed how contextual learning successfully works to train developers in secure coding. 

Today’s developers are increasingly tasked with stopping tomorrow’s cybersecurity breaches. While training around code vulnerabilities may be available, it’s often offered in un-engaging formats that are not relevant to the developers' everyday work. Developers need to write code quickly to meet customer needs, pushing back business goals such as training. And when that training is provided out-of-context and in the form of long presentations or study manuals, it becomes even more daunting, making it hard to see the benefit of the extra effort. 

How can organizations provide key security training to developers without disrupting their daily responsibilities or keep them away from preferred tools and workflows? 

The answer is simple. By using contextual learning and delivering training right to developers’ fingertips. Larry discusses why this is so powerful for developers in the following video.

By integrating training opportunities at the same time as developers are reviewing code issues, they receive the information that is most relevant to the identified issue or vulnerability immediately. Additionally, because the training is delivered in smaller and more digestible chunks, developers are more likely to retain the information and prevent the use of vulnerable code in the future. As Larry puts it, “feedback is the key to learning”.

The bottom line is that developers need to do more in less time and deliver secure, high-quality code. By weaving in training that’s contextualized and specific to the code vulnerability, it optimizes the developers’ workflows and experience, and increases their retention. Hear from Larry on how you can save those 40 hours of training!

Secure Code Warrior offers technical integrations that deliver contextual and hyper-relevant learning to your development and security teams.

Interested in a demo? Book one below. 

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We sat down with Larry Maccherone at Contrast Security to discuss how contextual learning successfully works to train developers in secure coding. Read on to learn how organizations provide key security training to developers without disrupting their daily responsibilities and workflow.

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Secure Code Warrior is here for your organization to help you secure code across the entire software development lifecycle and create a culture in which cybersecurity is top of mind. Whether you’re an AppSec Manager, Developer, CISO, or anyone involved in security, we can help your organization reduce risks associated with insecure code.

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Klenda Martinez-Gasbarro
Published Jul 26, 2021

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We sat down with Larry Maccherone at Contrast Security, the leader in modernized application security, embedding code analysis and attack prevention directly into software. We discussed how contextual learning successfully works to train developers in secure coding. 

Today’s developers are increasingly tasked with stopping tomorrow’s cybersecurity breaches. While training around code vulnerabilities may be available, it’s often offered in un-engaging formats that are not relevant to the developers' everyday work. Developers need to write code quickly to meet customer needs, pushing back business goals such as training. And when that training is provided out-of-context and in the form of long presentations or study manuals, it becomes even more daunting, making it hard to see the benefit of the extra effort. 

How can organizations provide key security training to developers without disrupting their daily responsibilities or keep them away from preferred tools and workflows? 

The answer is simple. By using contextual learning and delivering training right to developers’ fingertips. Larry discusses why this is so powerful for developers in the following video.

By integrating training opportunities at the same time as developers are reviewing code issues, they receive the information that is most relevant to the identified issue or vulnerability immediately. Additionally, because the training is delivered in smaller and more digestible chunks, developers are more likely to retain the information and prevent the use of vulnerable code in the future. As Larry puts it, “feedback is the key to learning”.

The bottom line is that developers need to do more in less time and deliver secure, high-quality code. By weaving in training that’s contextualized and specific to the code vulnerability, it optimizes the developers’ workflows and experience, and increases their retention. Hear from Larry on how you can save those 40 hours of training!

Secure Code Warrior offers technical integrations that deliver contextual and hyper-relevant learning to your development and security teams.

Interested in a demo? Book one below. 

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We sat down with Larry Maccherone at Contrast Security, the leader in modernized application security, embedding code analysis and attack prevention directly into software. We discussed how contextual learning successfully works to train developers in secure coding. 

Today’s developers are increasingly tasked with stopping tomorrow’s cybersecurity breaches. While training around code vulnerabilities may be available, it’s often offered in un-engaging formats that are not relevant to the developers' everyday work. Developers need to write code quickly to meet customer needs, pushing back business goals such as training. And when that training is provided out-of-context and in the form of long presentations or study manuals, it becomes even more daunting, making it hard to see the benefit of the extra effort. 

How can organizations provide key security training to developers without disrupting their daily responsibilities or keep them away from preferred tools and workflows? 

The answer is simple. By using contextual learning and delivering training right to developers’ fingertips. Larry discusses why this is so powerful for developers in the following video.

By integrating training opportunities at the same time as developers are reviewing code issues, they receive the information that is most relevant to the identified issue or vulnerability immediately. Additionally, because the training is delivered in smaller and more digestible chunks, developers are more likely to retain the information and prevent the use of vulnerable code in the future. As Larry puts it, “feedback is the key to learning”.

The bottom line is that developers need to do more in less time and deliver secure, high-quality code. By weaving in training that’s contextualized and specific to the code vulnerability, it optimizes the developers’ workflows and experience, and increases their retention. Hear from Larry on how you can save those 40 hours of training!

Secure Code Warrior offers technical integrations that deliver contextual and hyper-relevant learning to your development and security teams.

Interested in a demo? Book one below. 

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Secure Code Warrior is here for your organization to help you secure code across the entire software development lifecycle and create a culture in which cybersecurity is top of mind. Whether you’re an AppSec Manager, Developer, CISO, or anyone involved in security, we can help your organization reduce risks associated with insecure code.

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Klenda Martinez-Gasbarro
Published Jul 26, 2021

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We sat down with Larry Maccherone at Contrast Security, the leader in modernized application security, embedding code analysis and attack prevention directly into software. We discussed how contextual learning successfully works to train developers in secure coding. 

Today’s developers are increasingly tasked with stopping tomorrow’s cybersecurity breaches. While training around code vulnerabilities may be available, it’s often offered in un-engaging formats that are not relevant to the developers' everyday work. Developers need to write code quickly to meet customer needs, pushing back business goals such as training. And when that training is provided out-of-context and in the form of long presentations or study manuals, it becomes even more daunting, making it hard to see the benefit of the extra effort. 

How can organizations provide key security training to developers without disrupting their daily responsibilities or keep them away from preferred tools and workflows? 

The answer is simple. By using contextual learning and delivering training right to developers’ fingertips. Larry discusses why this is so powerful for developers in the following video.

By integrating training opportunities at the same time as developers are reviewing code issues, they receive the information that is most relevant to the identified issue or vulnerability immediately. Additionally, because the training is delivered in smaller and more digestible chunks, developers are more likely to retain the information and prevent the use of vulnerable code in the future. As Larry puts it, “feedback is the key to learning”.

The bottom line is that developers need to do more in less time and deliver secure, high-quality code. By weaving in training that’s contextualized and specific to the code vulnerability, it optimizes the developers’ workflows and experience, and increases their retention. Hear from Larry on how you can save those 40 hours of training!

Secure Code Warrior offers technical integrations that deliver contextual and hyper-relevant learning to your development and security teams.

Interested in a demo? Book one below. 

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Secure Code Warrior is here for your organization to help you secure code across the entire software development lifecycle and create a culture in which cybersecurity is top of mind. Whether you’re an AppSec Manager, Developer, CISO, or anyone involved in security, we can help your organization reduce risks associated with insecure code.

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